Ishikawa Lab


  1. 石川昌紀,佐野加奈絵.“マスターズ競技者のトレーニングは若い選手と同じで良いか?”もっとなっとく 使えるスポーツサイエンス.征矢 英昭, 本山 貢, 石井 好二郎 (編集) 講談社 (2017/4/21) p52-53, ISBN-13: 978-4062806640
  2. Ishikawa M, Komi PV (2010). Ultrasound as a tool to record muscle function during normal locomotion. (Ed.) Komi PV. The Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine “Neuromuscular Aspects of Sports Performance”, Wiley-Blackwell, Massachusetts, USA, Chapter 10, ISBN-10: 1-4443-3447-6. pp150-163.
  3. Komi PV, Ishikawa M (2009). Muscles: producing force and movement. “Olympic textbook of science in sport”. (Ed.) Maughan RJ, Wiley-Blackwell, Massachusetts, USA, pp 7-24, ISBN 978-1-4051-5638-7.
  4. Komi PV, Ishikawa M (2007). In vivo function of human Achilles and Patella tendons during normal locomotion. “Tendinopathy in Athletes” (Ed.) Woo SLY, Per S and Steven AP. Blackwell publishing, Massachusetts, USA, pp 101-122, ISBN-13: 978-1-4051-5670-7.
  5. Komi PV, Ishikawa M (2006). In Vivo interaction of fascicles and tendons as measured by the optic fiber and ultrasonographic technique. “Biomedical Engineering in Exercise and Sports” (Ed.) Rainoldi A, Minetto MA and Merletti R. Edizioni Minerva medica, Torino, Italy, pp3-15, ISBN-13: 978-88-7711-530-0.
  6. Ishikawa M (2005) In vivo muscle mechanics during human locomotion. Studies in Sport, Physical Education and Health 107, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland. ISBN 95-1392-141-7.
  7. Linnamo V, Avela J, Kallio J, Dousset E, Kuitunen S, Ishikawa M, Kyröläinen H, Komi PV (2003) Maximal torque and activation level during eccentric, concentric and isometric actions before and after damaging exercise. In: From Basic Motor Control to Functional Recovery III, (Ed.) Gantchev N, St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp 361-368, ISBN 95-407-1851-1.

Articles in Scientific Journals with Peer review

  1. Piponnier E, Ishikawa M, Kunimasa Y, Sano K, Jagot K, Boisseau N, Kurihara T, Martin V. Quantification of Extramyocellular Lipids and Intramuscular Fat from Muscle Echo Intensity in Lower Limb Muscles: A Comparison of Four Ultrasound Devices against Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Sensors 2023, 23(11), 5282, 1-12;
  2. Kunimasa Y, Sano K, Nicol C, Barthelemy J, Ishikawa M. Is the muscle–tendon architecture of non-athletic Kenyans different from that of Japanese and French males? J Physiol Anthropol. 2023 Jun 1;42(1):9, 1-5. doi: 10.1186/s40101-023-00326-3.
  3. Kunimasa Y, Sano K, Oda T, Nicol C, Komi PV, Ishikawa M (2022) Muscle-tendon architecture in Kenyans and Japanese: potential role of genetic endowment in the success of elite Kenyan endurance runners. Acta Physiologica, DOI: 10.1111/apha.13821
  4. 小田啓之,佐野加奈絵,信江彩加,国正陽子,石川昌紀 (2022) アキレス腱断裂経験者における断裂経験脚のアキレス腱の弛みと力学的特性.大阪体育学研究 60 March, 21-30.
  5. Nobue A, Kunimasa Y, Tsuneishi H, Sano K, Oda H and Ishikawa M (2020) Limb-specific features and asymmetry of nerve conduction velocity and nerve trunk size in human. Frontiers in Physiology, Front Physiol. Dec 3; 11:609006, 1-9.
  6. Santuz A, Ekizos A, Kunimasa Y, Kijima K, Ishikawa M, Arampatzis A (2020) Lower complexity of motor primitives ensures robust control of high-speed human locomotion. Heliyon Vol6 (10), e05377, 1-12.
  7. 山田一典, 浦田達也, 怡土ゆき絵, 清水洋生, 榎本翔太, 吉塚亮一, 石川昌紀.(2020)下腿三頭筋・腱の発達からみた「はだし保育」の影響.チャイルド・サイエンス20: 40-4, 2020.
  8. 山田一典、清水洋生、栗原佑奈、塚田夕絵、石川昌紀.(2020) 幼児期における25m走、立ち幅跳び、両足連続跳び越しの測定記録と下腿三頭筋・腱形態の関係性.子ども学研究論集 第6号 1-11
  9. 兒玉友,久野峻幸,佐野加奈絵,石川昌紀,小田俊明.(2020) 日本代表候補パラバドミントン立位クラス男子選手の形態特性.アダプテッド・スポーツ科学(Japanese Journal of Adapted Sport Science) 2019年9月17日18, 3-11
  10. Sano K, Sakamoto T, Nishimura R, Danno Y, Komi PV, Ishikawa M. (2019) Muscle-tendon interaction during human dolphin-kick swimming. Physiol. 1-8 Sep 13, 10: 1153. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.01153.
  11. 上野薫,前濵良太,国正陽子,牧野晃宗,佐野加奈絵,貴島孝太,Paavo V Komi,石川昌紀.(2018)陸上短距離選手におけるハムストリングス各筋内の筋横断面積の形態分布の特徴と競技力との関係.体力科学67(6): 383-391, 2018.
  12. 新井彩,石川昌紀,伊藤章.(2018) Stretch-shortening cycle運動における筋活動特性.陸上競技研究 第112号:2-11.
  13. 貴嶋孝太,浦田達也,石川昌紀.(2018) 短距離走選手のための機能的なトレーニングエクササイズ.大阪体育学研究 56: 77-88.
  14. 貴嶋孝太,島崎祐里,福田厚治,石川昌紀,伊藤章(2018)国内女子ジュニア短距離選手の疾走技術検討のための事例的研究.Journal of training science for exercise and sport. Vol 219, 237-246.
  15. 国正陽子,佐野加奈絵,久野峻幸,牧野晃宗,小田俊明,Nicol C,Komi PV,石川昌紀.(2017)下腿の骨格・筋腱形態に東アフリカ地域の陸上中長距離選手特有の特徴はあるのか. 大阪体育学研究 55: 1–9.
  16. Oda H, Sano K, Kunimasa Y, Komi PV, Ishikawa M (2017) Neuromechanical modulation of Achilles tendon during bilateral hopping in unilateral Achilles tendon ruptured subject over 1 year after surgery. Sports Medicine. 47: 1221-1230. DOI: 10.1007/s40279-016-0629-3
  17. 牧野晃宗,岩崎正徳,国正陽子,久野峻幸,佐野加奈絵,村元辰寛,村上雷多,神﨑浩,小田俊明,石川昌紀 (2016) 剣道経験年数の違いによる左右脚のアキレス腱の形態と力学的特性について.体育学研究 61:639-649.
  18. 信江彩加,石川昌紀.(2015) ヒトの尺骨神経横断面積とその神経伝導速度の関係.体力科学 第64 巻 第4 号 427-434.DOI:7600/jspfsm.64.427
  19. Sano K, Akiyama M, Hoffrén-Mikkola M, Ito A, Komi PV, and Ishikawa M. Age-specific neuromuscular interaction during elderly habitual running. Acta Physiol. 2015 215(2):79-88. doi: 10.1111/apha.12550. Epub 2015 Jul 21.
  20. 久野峻幸,楠本一樹,栗原俊之,石川昌紀,川上泰雄,小田俊明.(2015) 個人のアキレス腱形状と筋力データを用いた有限要素シミュレーションによる運動時のアキレス腱局所変形の推定.バイオメカニクス研究 19(1): 2-10.
  21. Sano K, Nicol C, Akiyama M, Kunimasa Y, Oda T, Ito A, Locatelli E, Komi PV, Ishikawa M. Can measures of muscle-tendon interaction improve our understanding of the superiority of Kenyan endurance runners? Eur J Appli Physiol Eur J Appl Physiol. 2015 115(4):849-59. (DOI: 10.1007/s00421-014-3067-7)
  22. Hoffrén-Mikkola M, Ishikawa M, Rantalainen T, Avela J, Komi PV. Neuromuscular mechanics and hopping training in elderly. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2015 115(5):863-77.
  23. 新井彩,石川昌紀,浦田達也,国正陽子,佐野加奈絵,田中ひかる,伊藤章 陸上短距離選手と競泳選手のドロップジャンプ接地前後の筋束長と筋活動の変化.体力科学 64 (2015) No. 1 p. 165-172.
  24. 小田啓之,佐野加奈絵,国正陽子,石川昌紀.立位での異なる足関節底屈位におけるヒラメ筋外部アキレス腱伸張率の算出.大阪体育学研究53: 1-9.2015.
  25. Kunimasa,Y, Sano K, Oda T, Nicol C, Komi PV, Locatelli E, Ito A, Ishikawa M. Specific muscle-tendon architecture in elite Kenyan distance runners. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2014: 24: e269–e274
  26. Ishikawa M, Sano K, Kunimasa Y, Oda T, Nicol C, Ito A, Komi PV. Economical running strategy for East African distance runners. J Phys Fitness Sports Med. 2013, 2(3):361-363 (Review). DOI: 10.7600/jpfsm.2.361
  27. Arai A, Ishikawa M, Ito A. Agonist–antagonist muscle activation during drop jumps. Eur J Sport Sci. 2013 13(5):490-8. DOI:10.1080/17461391.2013.764930
  28. 佐野加奈絵,石川昌紀,国正陽子,中村誠治,西下正成,伊藤章. シンスプリント治療におけるアキレス腱部への押圧刺激に伴う血流と筋硬度の変化. 大阪体育学研究 2013, 51:19-23.
  29. Sano K, Ishikawa M, Nobue A, Danno Y, Akiyama M, Oda T, Ito A, Hoffrén M, Nicol C, Locatelli E, Komi PV. Muscle-tendon interaction and EMG profiles of world class endurance runners during hopping. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2013, 113: 1395-1403. 2012 Dec 11. [Epub ahead of print]
  30. Hoffrén M, Ishikawa M, Avela J, Komi PV. Age-related fascicle-tendon interaction in repetitive hopping. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2012 Dec;112(12):4035-43. doi: 10.1007/s00421-012-2393-x. Epub 2012 Mar 31.
  31. Hoffrén M, Ishikawa M, Rantalainen T, Avela J, Komi PV. Age-related muscle activation profiles and joint stiffness regulation in repetitive hopping. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2011, 21:483-491.
  32. 新井彩,石川昌紀,伊藤章. 異なるドロップ高からの着地における筋活動の調整.健康運動科学2011, 2:21-28.
  33. Arai A, Ishikawa M, Ito A. Regulation of the muscle activation during drop landing and jump under various height. 健康運動科学2011, 2:21-28.
  34. 石川昌紀.ヒト身体運動の筋腱相互作用のメカニクス.理学療法湖都 (30) 12-17.2011年3月
  35. Cronin NJ, Peltonen J, Ishikawa M, Komi PV, Avela J, Sinkjaer T, Voigt M. Achilles tendon length changes during walking in long-term diabetes patients. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2010, 25:476-82.
  36. af Klint R, Cronin NJ, Ishikawa M, Sinkjaer T, Grey MJ. Afferent contribution to locomotor muscle activity during unconstrained overground human walking: an analysis of triceps surae muscle fascicles. J Neurophysiol. 2010, 103:1262-74.
  37. Rantalainen T, Sievänen H, Linnamo V, Hoffrén M, Ishikawa M, Kyröläinen H, Avela J, Selänne H, Komi PV, Heinonen A. Bone rigidity to neuromuscular performance ratio in young and elderly men. Bone. 2009, 45:956-963.
  38. Cronin NJ, Ishikawa M, Af Klint R, Komi PV, Avela J, Sinkjaer T, Voigt M. Effects of prolonged walking on neural and mechanical components of stretch responses in the human soleus muscle. J Physiol. 1;587(Pt 17):4339-4347, 2009. Epub 2009 Jul 21.
  39. Cronin NJ, Ishikawa M, Grey MJ, af Klint R, Komi PV, Avela J, Sinkjaer T, Voigt M. Mechanical and neural stretch responses of the human soleus muscle at different walking speeds. J Physiol. 1;587(Pt 13):3375-82, 2009. Epub 2009 May 18.
  40. Fröberg A, Komi P, Ishikawa M, Movin T, Arndt A. Force in the Achilles Tendon During Walking With Ankle Foot Orthosis. Am J Sports Med. 37:1200-207, 2009. Epub 2009 Feb 19.
  41. Galindo A, Barthèlemy J, Ishikawa M, Chavet P, Martin V, Avela J, Komi PV, Nicol C. Neuromuscular control in landing from supra-maximal dropping height. J Appl Physiol. 106:539-547, 2009.
  42. Ishikawa M and Komi PV Muscle fascicle and tendon behavior during human locomotion revisited. Exerc Sport Sci Rev. 36:193-199, 2008.
  43. Cronin NJ, Peltonen J, Ishikawa M, Komi PV, Avela J, Sinkjaer T, Voigt M. Effects of contraction intensity on muscle fascicle and stretch reflex behavior in the human triceps surae. J Appl Physiol. 105: 226-232, 2008.
  44. Vähäsöyrinki P, Komi PV, Seppälä S, Ishikawa M, Kolehmainen V, Salmi JA, Linnamo V. Effect of Skiing Speed on Ski and Pole Forces in Cross-Country Skiing. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 40: 1111-1116, 2008
  45. Hoffren MA, Ishikawa M, Komi PV. Age-related neuromuscular function during drop jumps. J Appl Physiol. 103: 1276-1283, 2007
  46. Ishikawa M, Komi PV. The role of the stretch reflex in the gastrocnemius muscle during human locomotion at various speeds. J Appl Physiol. 103:1030-1036,
  47. Sousa F, Ishikawa M, Vilas-Boas PJ, Komi PV. Intensity and Muscle specific fascicle behavior during human drop jumps. J Appl Physiol. 102:382-389, 2007.
  48. Dousset E, Avela J, Ishikawa M, Kallio J, Kuitunen S, Kyröläinen H, Linnamo V, Komi PV. Bimodal recovery pattern in skeletal muscle induced by exhaustive stretch-shortening cycle exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc 39: 453-60, 2007.
  49. Ishikawa M, Pakaslahti J, Komi PV. Medial gastrocnemius muscle behavior during human running and walking. Gait and Posture. 25: 380-384, 2007.
  50. Ishikawa M, Dousset E, Avela J, Kyröläinen H, Kallio J, Linnamo V, Kuitunen S, Nicol C, Komi PV. Changes in the soleus muscle architecture after exhausting stretch-shortening cycle exercise in humans. European Journal of Applied Physiology 97:298-306, 2006.
  51. Ishikawa M, Komi PV, Finni T and Kuitunen S. Contribution of the tendinous tissue to force enhancement during stretch-shortening cycle exercise depends on the pre-stretch and concentric phase intensities. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 16: 423-431, 2006.
  52. Ishikawa M, Komi PV, Grey MJ, Lepola V, and Bruggemann GP. Muscle-tendon interaction and elastic energy usage in human walking. J Appl Physiol. 99:603-608, 2005.
  53. Ishikawa M, Niemela E, Komi PV. Interaction between fascicle and tendinous tissues in short-contact stretch-shortening cycle exercise with varying eccentric intensities. J Appl Physiol. 99:217-223, 2005.
  54. Ishikawa M and Komi PV. Effects of the different dropping intensities on fascicle and tendinous tissue behavior during stretch-shortening cycle exercise. J Appl Physiol. 96: 848-852, 2004.
  55. Ishikawa M, Finni T, and Komi PV. Behaviour of vastus lateralis muscle-tendon during high intensity SSC exercises in vivo. Acta Physiol Scand. 178: 205-213, 2003.
  56. 生田泰志, 野村照夫, 石川昌紀, 奥野景介, 松井健, 若吉浩二. 競泳100m種目では,どの局面が重要か?スポーツ方法学研究 第1 5巻 第1号 pp109-117, 2002.
  57. 生田泰志, 奥野景介, 松井健, 寺田晶裕, 本部洋介, 石川昌紀, 若吉浩二, 野村照夫. 泳速度のコントロールとストローク頻度の関係 -100mおよび200m自由形のレース分析結果より- スポーツ方法学研究 第12巻 第1号 pp1-8, 1999.
  58. 奥野景介, 生田泰志, 本部洋介, 石川昌紀, 若吉浩二, 野村照夫. 男子50m自由形におけるストロークパラメータの変動に関する研究 -1997年度日本選手権大会において-. スポーツ方法学研究 第12巻 第1号 pp17-24, 1999.

Other publications

  1. 伊藤 章 , 石川 昌紀 (2019) 追悼 Komi先生のご逝去を悼む. 体育の科学69(2), 151-153
  2. 石川昌紀,佐野加奈絵,国正陽子,小田俊明,Komi PV (2015) 肉体的特徴から東アフリカ陸上競技選手の走りの特徴を探る.[シンポジウム] 東アフリカランナーの強さを再考する.ランニング研究 26:75-80
  3. 石川昌紀,佐野加奈絵,国正陽子,小田俊明(2014) 中・長距離走に活かす筋腱のメカニクスとトレーニングの可能性.特集「トレーニングに活かすバイオメカニクス知見」バイオメカニクス研究 18(3):170-175. 2015 1月
  4. 石川昌紀(2014)フィンランドの学校体育の実情.体育科教育 vol09, p18-21.
  5. 石川昌紀(2013)バイオメカニクス分野を中心に (日本体育学会大会第63回大会傍聴記) 体育の科学 63(1), 72-74, 2013-01
  6. 石川昌紀.トップアスリートへの道 運動神経と筋肉の関係.ヘルシスト 215, Vol l36, No5, p8-11. 2012
  7. 石川昌紀,團野亮人,信江彩加.ヒトの運動能力の限界とそのトレーニングの可能性.OSAKAスポーツ大学2011 健康スポーツ学科いきいき健康コース,11/11, 2011, p1-14.
  8. Komi PV, Ishikawa M, Sano K, Ito A, Oda T, Nicol C and Locatelli E. Structural and functional characteristics of Muscle-tendon unit among Kenyan Athletes. Brief Report: International Association of Athletic Federations (IAAF) 2011 Daegu.
  9. 石川昌紀,浦田達也,佐野加奈絵,秋山真信,信江彩加,伊藤 章.ヒト身体運動中のアキレス腱動態と腱障害. 上原記念生命科学財団研究報告集 24, 1-6, 2010.
  10. 石川昌紀.跳のバイオメカニクス.OSPAスポーツ大学09/03, 2010, p1-20.
  11. 佐野加奈絵,石川昌紀,秋山真信,信江彩加,浦田達也,伊藤章. 自動改札機通過における転倒事故の原因究明に関する報告書. (株)日本信号. 2010年9月.
  12. Komi PV, Ishikawa M, Salmi J. Is the 100 ms limit still valid ? New Studies in Athletics. 24: 37-48, 2009.
  13. 石川昌紀, Komi PV. 身体運動中の骨格筋の動態と機能. バイオメカニクス研究 11:144-150, 2007.
  14. Ito A, Ishikawa M, Isolehto J, Komi PV. Changes in the step width, step length, and step frequency of the world’s top sprinters during a 100 m race. New Studies in Athletics. 21: 35-39, 2006.
  15. Murakami M, Tanabe S, Ishikawa M, Isolehto J, Komi PV, Ito A. Biomechanical analysis of the javelin at the 2005 IAAF World Championships in Athletics. New Studies in Athletics. 21: 67-80, 2006.
  16. Gollhofer A, Hämäläinen H, Lohrer H, Ishikawa M, Komi P: Wie trägt sich die Bandage? Orthopädieschuhtechnik 10: 17, 2005.
  17. 石川昌紀. 森と湖の国・フィンランドにおける水泳・研究事情. 水泳・水中運動科学 No 5, 38-40, 2002.
  18. 伊藤章,石川昌紀.短距離走におけるスナップの意味.バイオメカニクス研究 4(2): 159-163, 2000.
  19. 石川昌紀 ホッピングトレーニング前後の筋腱の動態.大阪体育大学大学院修士論文
  20. 奥野景介, 生田泰志, 本部洋介, 石川昌紀, 若吉浩二, 野村照夫. 男子50m自由形における日本人一流女子競泳選手のレース分析 -1997年度日本選手権水泳競技大会決勝レースを対象として-. 防衛大学校紀要(社会科学篇) 第79巻 pp19-36, 1999.
  21. 原田宗彦, 石川昌紀. 仮設を取り込んだ恒久施設の建設を. 月刊施設, 10月号, pp 26-30, 1998.
  22. 宮下充正 et al. 第76回日本選手権水泳競技大会兼シドニーオリンピック代表選手選考会.競泳レース分析表.(財)日本水泳連盟医・科学委員会 (2000)
  23. 宮下充正 et al. 第75回日本選手権水泳競技大会兼第8回パンパシフィック代表選手選考会.競泳レース分析表.(財)日本水泳連盟医・科学委員会(1999)
  24. 宮下充正 et al. 第74回日本選手権水泳競技大会兼アジア競技大会代表選手選考会.競泳レース分析表.(財)日本水泳連盟医・科学委員会(1998)

Academic congress presentations
Oral presentations

    1. 石川昌紀、佐野加奈絵、貴嶋孝太、信江彩加.マスターズ陸上競技選手の神経・筋機能特徴と運動機能変化.第34回日本臨床スポーツ医学会学術集会.パシフィコ横浜ノース,横浜.11月11-12日
    2. Ishikawa M. Mechanics of Assisted Sprint Running. 1080 Summit 2021. Stockholm, Sweden, 10-12th September 2021.
    3. Nicol C, Ishikawa M. Neural inhibition versus damage effects: how can they be distinguished? EXERCISE-INDUCED MUSCLE DAMAGE: WHAT IS IT, HOW IS IT DETECTED, AND WHY IS IT INDUCED? 24th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Prague, Czech Republic. 3-7th July. 2019.
    4. Ishikawa M, Kunimasa Y, Makino A, Kitano Y, Sano K. Specific musculoskeletal characteristics for runners with and without running-specific prostheses. International Research Forum on Biomechanics of Running-specific Prostheses, Tokyo, Japan, 21th Feb 2019
    5. 石川昌紀 柔軟性の受難.第12回関西アスレティックトレーナーフォーラム.兵庫 2018年12月2日
    6. Ishikawa M. Neuromuscular modulation and musculoskelton specifics for sport athletes. International Symposium of Sports Medical Science for Persons with Impairments in Wakayama 2018. Wakayama, Japan, 22-23rd Sep 2018
    7. Ishikawa M, Komi PV. Functional and neuromuscular characteristics with advancing age and disuse. 4th International Autumn School on Movement Science Berlin, 9th to 13th October 2017
    8. Nicol C, Komi PV, Ishikawa M. The adaptive SSC: From the fatiguing runs on earth to the rebounds on mars. 35th International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports, Koln, Germany, 14th-18th June 2017.
    9. Ishikawa M, Sano K, Kunimasa Y, Nicol C, Komi PV. Musculoskeletal characteristics and function during running for top level endurance runners. 22th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Metropolis Ruhr, Germany. 5-8th July. 2017.
    10. Ishikawa M. Neuro-Musculoskeletal characteristics for East-African top distance runners. Denmark-Japan symposium JISS, 12th May 2016.
    11. Cabri J, Nicol C, Ishikawa M, Chavet P. (2016) Lower body positive pressure running: a tool for early return to sport? 21st annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Vienna, Austria. 6-9th
    12. Ishikawa M, Sano K, Kunimasa Y, Makino A, Komi PV. (2016) Short-term influence of unweighting on muscle fascicle loading. 21st annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Vienna, Austria. 6-9th
    13. 石川 昌紀, 信江 彩加, 佐野 加奈絵, 国正 陽子, 牧野 晃宗.身体運動中の筋機能を探るBモード超音波イメージング法.オーガナイズドセッション【 可視化された生体内情報のヘルス&スポーツサイエンス応用 】スポーツ工学・ヒューマンダイナミクス2015.日本機械学会 10/30-11/1, 2015立命館大学びわこ・くさつキャンパス.
    14. 石川昌紀,佐野加奈絵,国正陽子,牧野晃宗,久野峻幸,小田俊明,Paavo V KOMI.身体運動における東アフリカランナーの優位な筋骨格系について.第69回日本人類学会大会.東京.2015年10月13日.
    15. 石川昌紀,佐野加奈絵,国正陽子,牧野晃宗,秋山真信,信江彩加,小田俊明,KOMI V Paavo.マスターズ陸上競技選手の神経・筋機能の特徴.第70回日本体力医学会大会.和歌山.2015年9月18-20日.
    16. 貴嶋孝太,福田厚治,石川昌紀,KOMI V Paavo,伊藤 章.マスターズ陸上競技選手のスタートダッシュ能力.第70回日本対威力医学会大会.和歌山.2015年9月18-20日.
    17. 福田厚治,貴嶋孝太,伊藤章,石川昌紀,KOMI V Paavo.加齢に伴うマスターズ゙陸上競技選手の疾走速度と走動作の変化.第70回日本体力医学会大会.和歌山.2015年9月18-20日.
    18. 佐野加奈絵,石川昌紀,HOFFRÉN-MIKKOLA Merja,KOMI V Paavo.ダイナミックなジャンプ運動の介入による高齢者の神経筋動態の変化.第70回日本体力医学会大会.和歌山.2015年9月18-20日.
    19. Komi PV, Ishikawa M, Nicol C, Havas E. (2015) Neuromuscular biomechanics, a good partner of motor control? The ISB Biomechanics and Motor Control Working Group 2nd Annual Meeting, 12th July 2015, Glasgow, UK.
    20. Komi PV, Ishikawa M, Nicol C. Muscle-tendon interaction during exercise and fatigue: specific relevance to sport. XX Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, 15-18th July 2014, Rome, ITALY.
    21. Ishikawa M, Sano K, Kunimasa Y, Nicol C, Oda T, Ito A, Komi PV (2014) Tendon elastic energy utilization in elite African runners. 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, Massachusetts, USA. 6-11th July,2014
    22. 石川昌紀,佐野加奈絵,国正陽子,Komi PV (2014) 肉体的特徴から東アフリカ陸上競技選手の走りの特徴を探る.LSDシンポジウム 「東アフリカランナーの強さの秘密を再考する」第26回ランニング学会大会,大阪体育大学,20-21th March 2014, p29.
    23. 石川昌紀 (2014) バイオメカニクスの立場から.第74回日本トレーニングカンファレンス 長距離王国・ケニアの強さに迫る2014年1月12日 立命館大学.
    24. 石川昌紀 (2013) ヒト身体運動中の神経筋機能 東アフリカ長距離選手の強さの秘密に,神経・筋機能から迫る.BioMec Forum 第69回研究会 22th June 大阪大学基礎工学部
    25. Ishikawa M, Kunimasa Y, Sano K, Oda T, Nicol C, Komi PV, Locatelli E, Ito A. (2013) Neuromuscular interaction during running for elite long-distance runners. 18th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Barcelona, Spain. 26-29th Proceedings pp 555
    26. Ishikawa M (2013) Muscle-tendon behavior during human locomotion. The International Symposium on Multi-Scale Muscle Mechanics. University of Kanagawa, Yokohama, 22th March.
    27. Ishikawa M, Sano K, Nobue A, Danno, Akiyama M, Oda T, Ito A, Nicol C, Locatelli E, Komi PV (2012) Anything specifics about the fascicle-tendon interaction among the world top level marathon runners? 17th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Bruges, Belgium, 4-7th July. Proceedings pp 515
    28. Lindinger S, Ishikawa M, Komi PV, Holmberg HC, Rapp W, Müller E, Linnamo V (2012) Identification of fascicle-tendon interaction during ssc in skiing techniques. 17th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Bruges, Belgium, 4-7th July. Proceedings pp 515.
    29. Komi PV, Ishikawa M, Linnamo V (2012) Relevance of SSC function on sport performance. 17th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Bruges, Belgium, 4-7th July. Proceedings pp 516
    30. Komi PV, Ishikawa M, Linnamo V (2011) Identification of stretch-shortening cycles in different sports. XXIX Annual Symposium of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS), Porto, Portugal 27th June – 1st
    31. Komi PV, Hoffren M, Ishikawa M (2010) Neuromechanics of aging and fatigue: impact of sports and physical activity. 6th World Congress on Biomechanics, Singapore, 1-5 August.
    32. Ishikawa M, Cronin N, Hoferen M, af Klint R, Komi PV. (2010) Neuromuscular-tendon interaction during human locomotion. 6th World Congress on Biomechanics, Singapore, 1-5 August.
    33. Ishikawa M, Komi PV (2010) Neuromuscular-tendon interaction during human locomotion. 15th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Antalya, Turkey, 23-26 June.
    34. Komi PV, Norman RW, Ishikawa M, Linnamo V. (2010) Evidence of use of stretch-shortening cycle in cross-country skiing. "Sports and Wellbeing; Technological and nutritional aspects, Multidisciplinary Research Symposium,” Vuokatti, Finland" 10-11 March.
    35. Cronin N, Peltonen J, Ishikawa M, Avela J, Komi PV, Sinkjaer T, Voigt M (2009) Muscle fascicle stretch velocity in relation to stretch reflex activation at different condition levels in human triceps surae. The Japanese society of Physical fitness and sports medicine (Japanese Journal of Physical fitness and sports medicine pp 52.)
    36. Ishikawa M, Hoffrén M, Komi PV (2008) Aging-induced neuromuscular interaction and the training-induced adaptation during hopping. 13th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Estoril, Portugal, 9-12 July.
    37. Hoffrén M, Ishikawa M, Komi PV (2008) Age-related neuromuscular function during drop jumps. XII Brazilian Congress of Biomechanics, Sao Paolo, Brazil, 30th May-2nd June.
    38. Nicol C, Avela J, Ishikawa M, Komi PV (2007) Neuromuscular fatigue caused by exhaustive SSC exercise. 12th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Jyväskylä, Finland, 11-14 July. Proceedings pp53.
    39. Ishikawa M, Komi PV (2006) Muscle-tendon interaction in connection with performance enhancement. The 19th Annual meeting of Japanese Society of Biomechanics, Saitama, Japan, 13-15th Proceedings pp14.
    40. Komi PV, Ishikawa M (2006) Instantaneous force –velocity relationships in human locomotion. 5th World congress of Biomechanics, Munich, Germany, 29th July- 4th
    41. Avela J, Ishikawa M, Nicol C, Chavet P, Peltonen J, Komi PV (2006) Neuromuscular control in extreme high impact loads. 5th World congress of Biomechanics, Munich, Germany, 29th July- 4th
    42. Ishikawa M, Komi PV (2006) In vivo muscle behavior during human locomotion. 5th World congress of Biomechanics, Munich, Germany, 29th July- 4th
    43. Nicol C, Ishikawa M, Cronin N, Avela J, Komi PV (2006) Influence of exhaustive fatigue on stretch response of the muscle-tendon unit. 11th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Lausanne, Switzerland, 5 - 8 July.
    44. Komi PV, Ishikawa M (2006) In Vivo interaction of fascicles and tendons as measured by the optic fiber and ultrasonographic technique. Biomedical Engineering in Exercise and Sports, Turin, Italy, 23-25 March.
    45. Ishikawa M, Komi PV (2005) Movement and muscle specificity in muscle-tendon interaction during locomotion. 4th Motor Control Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, 21 - 25 September.
    46. Finni T, Hodgson J, Ishikawa M, Komi PV, Edgerton VR, Sinha S (2004) Plantarflexion exercise: from coordination to muscle-tendon mechanics. 9th Annual Congress of European College of Sport Science, Clermont-Ferrand, France, July 3-9.

(Normal presentation)

  1. 常石大夢,北野友梧,大橋廉,国正陽子,佐野加奈絵,永原隆,貴嶋孝太,石川昌紀.等張性牽引によるアシステッドスプリントとその後のリリース走の有用性.大阪体育学会第59回大会 近畿大学(オンライン開催) 2021年3月14日,p21.
  2. Santuz A, Ekizos A, Kunimasa Y, Kijima K, Ishikawa M, Arampatzis A. (2020) Lower complexity of motor primitives ensures robust control of high-speed human locomotion. 25th Annual Congress of European College of Sport Science, Sevilla, Spain, 28-30th Oct, Online.
  3. 常石大夢,大橋廉,北野友梧,国正陽子,貴嶋孝太,石川昌紀.アシステッド走による超高速疾走中の走メカニクス.大阪体育学会第58回大会 大阪市立大学 2020年3月8日,
  4. 北野友梧,常石大夢,大橋廉,国正陽子,石川昌紀.等張性負荷装置を用いた高速での牽引負荷走の有用性.大阪体育学会第58回大会 大阪市立大学 2020年3月8日
  5. Ishikawa M, Oda H, Sano K, Kunimasa Y. Neuromechanical modulation during bilateral hopping in patients with unilateral Achilles tendon rupture. XXVII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, 31 July -4, August 2019 Calgary, Canada.
  6. Kunimasa Y, Sano K, Hisano T, Makino A, Oda T, Nicol C, Komi PV, Ishikawa M. (2017) Musculoskeletal characteristics for elite distance runners and non-competitive Kenyans. 22th Annual Congress of European College of Sport Science, Metropolitan Ruhr, Germany, 5-8th July.
  7. 佐野加奈絵,石川昌紀.水中ドルフィンキックにおける推進力獲得のための筋腱動態の解明.大阪体育学会第55回大会 関西大学 2017年3月12日,
  8. 国正陽子,佐野加奈絵,久野峻幸,牧野晃宗,小田俊明,Nicol C,Komi PV,石川昌紀.ケニア人トップランナーの特徴的な下腿形態の獲得機序.第71回 日本体力医学会大会 岩手 2016年9月23日~25日
  9. 田中ひかる,新井彩,浦田達也,国正陽子,佐野加奈絵,石川昌紀.異なるスポーツ競技選手における腱の弾性利用.大阪体育学会大会 和歌山大学 2016年
  10. 牧野晃宗,国正陽子,久野峻幸,佐野加奈絵,神﨑 浩,石川昌紀.競技スポーツ選手の腓腹筋・アキレス腱の力学的特性.大阪体育学会大会 和歌山大学 2016年
  11. 佐野加奈絵,国正陽子,石川昌紀.クロスカントリースキー運動における滑動作中の筋腱動態の解明.大阪体育学会第54回大会 和歌山大学 2016年.
  12. 新井彩,石川昌紀,浦田達也,国正陽子,佐野加奈絵,田中ひかる,伊藤章.ドロップジャンプの筋 - 腱の振る舞いに影響を及ぼす筋活動の役割.第66回日本体育学会大会 国士舘大学 2015年8月25-27日pp190.
  13. 国正陽子,佐野加奈絵,久野峻幸,牧野晃宗,小田俊明,石川昌紀.東アフリカのトップランナーの下腿の形態は日本人と異なるのか?第66回日本体育学会大会 国士舘大学 2015年8月25-27日pp195.
  14. Kunimasa Y. Sano K, Makino A, Akiyama M, Ito A, Komi PV, Ishikawa M. (2015) Characteristics of muscle and tendon mechanical properties for sprinters and swimmers. 20th Annual Congress of European College of Sport Science, Malmö, Sweden, June 24-27th
  15. Hisano T, Kusumoto K, Sano K, Makino A, Maitani A, Kunimasa Y, Akihara Y, Oda T, Ishikawa M. (2015) Musculotendinous mechanical properties and lower limb morphology in track and field athletes. 20th Annual Congress of European College of Sport Science, Malmö, Sweden, June 24-27th
  16. 久野峻幸,楠本一樹,秋原悠,米谷綾,小田俊明,石川昌紀.身体形態および腱形状が長距離走パフォーマンスに及ぼす影響.第25回兵庫体育・スポーツ科学学会大会.兵庫教育大学神戸ハーバーランドキャンパス,2014年5月31日.
  17. 小田俊明,豊田洋平,久野峻幸,楠本一樹,石川昌紀.ケニア人陸上競技中長距離ランナーの下腿部筋腱の形態的・力学的特徴.第25回兵庫体育・スポーツ科学学会大会.兵庫教育大学神戸ハーバーランドキャンパス,2014年5月31日.
  18. 新井 彩,石川昌紀,浦田達也,国正陽子,佐野加奈絵,田中ひかる,伊藤章 (2014) 競泳選手の特異的な筋活動が反動利用効率を低下させる.第23回日本バイオメカニクス学会大会,国立スポーツ科学センター,2014年9月13-15日.
  19. 石川昌紀,佐野加奈絵,国正陽子,伊藤章 (2014) 接地動作の違いによる走運動中のアキレス腱張力の変化とその影響.第65回日本体育学会大会 岩手大学 25-28, August.
  20. Oda T, Toyoda Y, Hisano T, Kusumoto K, Kunimasa Y, Sano K, Nicol C, Komi PV, Ishikawa M. Mechanical properties of triceps surae muscle-tendon unit in kenyan distance runners. 19th Annual Congress of European College of Sport Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 2-5th
  21. 岩崎正徳,国正陽子,佐野加奈絵,神崎浩,村元辰寛,石川昌紀(2014)剣道選手の下腿の左右差について.大阪体育学会第52回大会平成26年3月16日,近畿大学,P33
  22. 佐野加奈絵,国正陽子,小田俊明,石川昌紀,伊藤章 (2013) 東アフリカ中・長距離陸上競技選手の走運動中における筋腱の振る舞い.第64回日本体育学会大会 立命館大学 日本体育学会大会予稿集 , 28-30, August.
  23. 兒玉 友 , 久野 峻幸 , 豊田 洋平 , 佐野 加奈絵 , 前原 淳 , 辺 元 , 荒川 裕志 , 石川 昌紀 , 小田 俊明(2013)障害者バドミントン選手の身体形態特徴.日本体育学会第64回記念大会,立命館大学 日本体育学会大会予稿集 (64), 395, 28-30, August.
  24. Oda T, Toyoda Y, Hisano T, Kusumoto K, Kunimasa Y, Sano K, Ishikawa M (2013) Effects of mechanical properties of muscle and tendon on performance in junior long distance runners. 14th Congress of the international society of biomechanics, Natal, Brazil. 4th-9th Proceedings pp
  25. Ishikawa M, Sano K, Kunimasa Y, Oda T, Nicol C, Locatteli E, Komi PV, Ito A. (2013) Can measures of muscle-tendon interaction reveal the superiority of east African endurance runners? 14th Congress of the international society of biomechanics, Natal, Brazil. 4th-9th Proceedings pp
  26. Kinugasa R, Ishikawa M, Yamamura N, Taniguchi K, Fujimiya M, Katayose M, Edgerton VR, Sinha S. (2013) True identity to move the foot quickly. 18th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Barcelona, Spain. 26-29th Proceedings pp 637
  27. Kunimasa Y, Sano K, Oda T, Nicol C, Komi PV, Locatteli E, Ito A, Ishikawa M. (2013) Specific muscle-tendon architecture in elite Kenyan distance runners. 18th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Barcelona, Spain. 26-29th Proceedings pp 246
  28. Hoffrén-Mikkola M, Ishikawa M, Avela J, Komi PV (2013) Age-related fascicle-tendon interaction in repetitive hopping. 18th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Barcelona, Spain. 26-29th Proceedings pp 306
  29. Oda T, Toyoda Y, Hisano T, Kusumoto K, Kunimasa Y, Sano K, Ishikawa M. (2013) Faster distance runners have more compliant Achilles tendons. 18th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Barcelona, Spain. 26-29th Proceedings pp 323
  30. 国正陽子,團野亮人,佐野加奈絵,信江彩加,久野 峻幸,小田俊明,石川昌紀 (2012) 陸上中長距離選手のアキレス腱とアキレス腱モーメントアームの特徴. 第67回日本体力医学会大会, 岐阜 14-16th, Sep.
  31. 岡西康法,梅林薫,石川昌紀(2012)7人制ラグビーの得点に関するゲーム分析 勝利チームと敗戦チームのトライの発生するエリアに着目して-.日本体育学会第63回記念大会, 東海大学 22-24th, Aug. pp246.
  32. 團野亮人,磯貝康成,伊藤美智子,石川昌紀(2012)ダウン症候群者とその運動プログラム参加者との筋・腱形態の違い.日本体育学会第63回記念大会, 東海大学 22-24th, Aug. pp320.
  33. 信江彩加,馬場丈幸,伊藤章,石川昌紀 (2012) ヒト神経伝導速度に関係する末梢神経の太さとその可塑性.第22回日本バイオメカニクス学会大会. 北翔大学9月11-13日
  34. 足立泰佑,秋山真信,信江彩加,團野亮人,佐野可奈絵,馬場丈幸,小田俊明,植松梓,伊藤章,石川昌紀.マスターズ陸上競技選手の下肢腱に対する加齢の影響.第22回日本バイオメカニクス学会大会. 北翔大学9月11-13日
  35. 秋山真信,佐野加奈絵,團野亮人,小田俊明,伊藤章,石川昌紀.(2012) ケニア人中・長距離陸上選手の走動作中における筋腱動態.第22回日本バイオメカニクス学会大会. 北翔大学9月11-13日
  36. 馬場丈幸,信江彩加,團野亮人,秋山真信,佐野加奈絵,伊藤章,石川昌紀(2012)アキレス腱長に影響するスポーツ競技特徴.大阪体育学会第50回大会,大阪,18th,
  37. 佐近香穂利,片上かの子,團野亮人,佐野加奈絵,小田俊明,伊藤章,石川昌紀(2012)加齢に伴うアキレス腱モーメントアームの変化.大阪体育学会第50回大会,大阪,18th,
  38. 佐野加奈絵,秋山真信,浦田達也,伊藤章,石川昌紀(2012)走運動中における高齢者特有の神経・筋動態.大阪体育学会第50回大会,大阪,18th,
  39. 鳥居明日香,石川昌紀 (2012) 運動が膝関節軟骨を厚くできるか.大阪体育学会第50回大会,大阪,18th,
  40. 信江彩加,馬場丈幸,伊藤章,石川昌紀 (2012) スポーツ競技者の末梢神経横断面積測定における神経伝導速度の可塑性を探る.大阪体育学会第50回大会,大阪,18th,
  41. Yamamoto D, Urata T, Tanabe S, Ishikawa M, Ito A. (2011) Effects of changes in angular momentum on performance during discus throwing. 16th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Liverpool, UK. 6-9 July, 2011
  42. Nobue A, Ito A, Ishikawa M. (2011) Relationship between nerve conduction velocity and size of ulnar nerve in humans. 16th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Liverpool, UK. 6-9 July, 2011
  43. Urata T, Yamada K, Yamamoto D, Ishikawa M, Ito A. Changes in joint torque of upper limb in overhand throw at various ball speeds. 16th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Liverpool, UK. 6-9 July, 2011
  44. Sano K, Ishikawa M, Akiyama M, Hoffren M, Urata T, Ito A. (2011) Age-specific neuromuscular interaction during Human running. 16th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Liverpool, UK. 6-9 July, 2011

  45. Kijima K, Ohta Y, Fukuda K, Nakai A, Ishikawa M, Mero A, Komi PV, Ito A. (2010) Age-specific performance factors of masters sprit start. 16th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Antalya Turkey, 23 - 26 June 2010.
  46. Yamada K, Ishikawa M, Urata T, Sano K, Ito A. (2010) Effects of isometric training for flexor forearm on muscle and tendon architecture. 16th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Antalya Turkey, 23 - 26 June 2010.
  47. Kallio J, Linnamo V, Kanervo M, Avela J, Moritani T, Ishikawa M, Selänne H, Komi PV. (2009) Age-related changes in the motor unit activation in dynamic movement. XXII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Cape Town, South Africa, 5-9th, July.
  48. Cronin NJ, Ishikawa M, af Klint R, Komi PV, Avela J, Sinkjaer T, Voigt M. (2009) Prolonged walking increases compliance in the human soleus muscle-tendon unit: Implications for the short latency stretch reflex. 14th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Oslo, Norway, 24-27th, June.
  49. Hoffrén M, Ishikawa M, Komi PV. (2009) Age-specific and training-induced muscle activation profiles during repetitive hopping. 14th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Oslo, Norway, 24-27th, June.
  50. 山田一典,浦田達也,石川昌紀,伊藤章. 前腕屈筋群へのアイソメトリックトレーニングによる浅指屈筋・深指屈筋の腱特性の変化 (2009). 日本体育学会第60回記念大会, 広島 26-28th, Aug.
  51. Cronin N, Peltonen J, Ishikawa M, Avela J, Komi P, Sinkjaer T, Voigt M (2008) Muscle fascicle stretch velocity in relation to stretch reflex activation at different contraction levels in human triceps surae. 13th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Estoril, Portugal, 9-12 July.
  52. Ishikawa M, Hoffrén M, Rantalainen TJ, Komi PV (2008) Achilles tendon responses after the short term hopping training. 55th Annual meeting of the American college of sports medicine. Indianapolis, Indiana, 28-31th May.
  53. Cronin NJ, Sinkjaer T, Voigt M, Ishikawa M, Avela J, Komi PV, Nicol C. (2008) Modulation of soleus fascicle stretch responses with changes in reflex-induced muscle contraction state. Annual IEEE Student Paper Conference, AISPC 2008. August
  54. Rantalainen T, Hoffrén M, Ishikawa M, Heinonen A, Linnamo V, Komi PV (2007) Neural control in dynamic contraction in dynamic movement and bone strength and balance in the elderly
  55. Ishikawa M, Vähäsöyrinki P, Komi PV, Kolehmainen V, Salmi JA, Linnamo V (2007) Effects of grip waxing on ski and pole forces in diagonal skiing. 4th International congress on science and skiing, Christoph, Austria, 14-20th, December, p. 89.
  56. Ishikawa M, Rinta-Pollari J, Avela J, Komi PV (2007). In vivo Achilles tendon responses during drop jumps. XXI Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Taipei, Taiwan, 1-5 July, p. S261.
  57. Ishikawa M, Rinta-Pollari J, Avela J, Komi PV (2007). Achilles tendon behaviour during human jumping. 12th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Jyväskylä, Finland, 11-14 July. p. 259.
  58. Cronin N, Ishikawa M, Nicol C, Komi PV, Avela J (2007). Passive stretch-induced fascicle behaviour in the human soleus muscle. 12th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Jyväskylä, Finland, 11-14 July, p. 218.
  59. Ito A, Ishikawa M, Isolehto J, Komi PV (2006) Changes in the step width, step length, and step frequency of the world’s top sprinters during a 100 m race. 11th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Lausanne, Switzerland, 5 - 8 July.
  60. Murakami M, Tanabe S, Ishikawa M, Isolehto J, Komi PV, Ito A (2006) Biomechanical analysis of the javelin throwing at 11th IAAF. 11th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Lausanne, Switzerland, 5 - 8 July.
  61. Sousa F, Ishikawa M,Vilas-Boas JP, Komi PV. (2006) Fascicle behavior of the synergistic muscle group, medial gastrocnemius and soleus, during different intensity drop jumps. 11th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Lausanne, Switzerland, 5 - 8 July.
  62. Hoffren M, Ishikawa M, Komi PV (2006) Neuromuscular function during dynamic movements associated with aging. 11th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Lausanne, Switzerland, 5 - 8 July.
  63. Martin V, Ishikawa M, Rantalainen TJ, Hoffrén M, Komi PV (2006) Neural factors accounting for the acute adaptation to repeated damaging stretch-shortening cycle exercises. 11th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Lausanne, Switzerland, 5 - 8 July.
  64. Ishikawa M, Vincent M, Kanervo M, Peltonen J, Nicol C, Chavet P, Komi PV (2006) Repetitive hopping exercise alters the skeletal muscle architecture and the fascicle and tendon interaction. 11th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Lausanne, Switzerland, 5 - 8 July.

  65. Ishikawa M, Niemelä E and Komi PV (2005) Fascicle and tendinous tissue behavior in stretch-shortening cycle exercise performed with varying prestretch intensities. 52nd Annual meeting of the American college of sports medicine. Nashville, Tennessee, 1-4th June 2005. p1434.
  66. Ishikawa M, Pakaslahti J and Komi PV (2005) Fascicle modulation during different elastic behaviour of human jogging and walking. In: 10th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science Abstract Book. Belgrade, Serbia: Sport Medicine Association of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia 13-16th
  67. Kanervo M, Mäkelä L, Peltonen J, Ishikawa M, Gruber M, Gollhofer A and Komi PV (2005) Recovery from exhaustive SSC exercise and balance control. In: 10th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science Abstract Book. Belgrade, Serbia: Sport Medicine Association of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia, p. 119.
  68. Kuitunen S, Ishikawa M and Komi PV (2005) Fascicle behaviour of the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles in hopping. In: 10th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science Abstract Book. Belgrade, Serbia: Sport Medicine Association of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia, p. 118.
  69. Kuitunen S, Ishikawa M and Komi PV (2005) Behaviour of the triceps surae muscle in hopping. XXth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics and 29th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Abstract online at 31th July - 5th August.

  70. Ishikawa M, Komi PV, Finni T, and Kuitunen S (2004) Prestretch and concentric phase intensities influence the fascicle and tendinous tissue interaction during stretch-shortening cycle exercise. 9th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. Clermont, France, 3-6th
  71. Ishikawa M. Muscle-tendon interaction in different intensity locomotion. (2004) TULES and Biomaterial Graduate School course, Heinola, Finland, September.
  72. Ishikawa M, Dousset E, Avela J, Kallio J, Linnamo V, Kuitunen S, Kyröläinen H, and Komi PV (2003) Muscle fascicle behaviour after SSC-induced fatigue. 8th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. Salzburg, Austria, 9-12 July 2003. Book of abstracts, p. 328.
  73. Kallio J, Linnamo V, Avela J, Dousset E, Ishikawa M, Kuitunen S, Kyröläinen H, and Komi PV (2003) Reflex sensitivity during isometric, concentric and eccentric actions. 8th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. Salzburg, Austria, July 2003. Book of abstracts, p. 174.
  74. Dousset E, Ishikawa M, Kyröläinen H, Kallio J, Kuitunen S, Linnamo V, Avela J. and Komi PV (2003) Bimodal recovery from exhaustive stretch-shortening cycle exercise. 8th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. Salzburg, Austria, July 2003. Book of abstracts, p. 205.
  75. Avela J, Linnamo V, Dousset E, Kallio J, Kuitunen S, Ishikawa M, Kyröläinen H, and Komi PV (2003) Effects of muscle history on reflex sensitivity after exhaustive stretch shortening cycle exercise. 8th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. Salzburg, Austria, July 2003. Book of abstracts, p. 328.
  76. Linnamo V, Avela J, Kallio J, Dousset E, Kuitunen S, Ishikawa M, Kyröläinen H, and Komi PV (2003) Maximal torque, EMG and activation level during eccentic, and isometric actions. 8th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. Salzburg, Austria, July 2003. Book of abstracts, p. 347.
  77. Kyröläinen H, Dousset E, Ishikawa M, Avela J, Linnamo V, Kallio J, Kuitunen S and Komi PV (2003) Effects of exhaustive jumping exercise on running economy. 8th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. Salzburg, Austria, July 2003. Book of abstracts, p. 388.
  78. Ishikawa M, Finni T and Komi PV (2002) Tendon of the vastus lateralis muscle behaves efficiently in high intensity SSC exercises. 7th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. Athens, Greece, 24-28th July 2002. Book of abstracts, p. 666.
  79. Komi PV, Ishikawa M and Finni T (2002) Jumping intensity determinates the behavior of the fascicle and tendon parts of the vastus lateralis muscle. IV World Congress of Biomechanics, Calgary, Canada, 4-9th Augus
  80. Komi PV, Ishikawa M and Finni T (2002) Critical issues in the mechanical behavior of human skeletal muscle during SSC activities. IV World Congress of Biomechanics, Calgary, Canada, August.
  81. 鶴池政明, 石川昌紀. 高齢者と若年者の伏臥位と直立姿勢におけるヒラメ筋H反射の特徴.第7回日本運動生理学会
  82. 石川昌紀,伊藤章.ホッピングトレーニング前後の筋腱の動態. 大阪体育学会分科会, 1999.

Poster presentation

  1. 中嶋 秀知,信江 彩加,佐野 加奈絵,松井 星矢,石川 昌紀 (2022) 陸上長距離選手における股関節屈曲伸展トレーニングの呼吸循環器系機能への影響.第35回日本トレーニング科学会大会2022年12月、東京
  2. 信江彩加,佐野加奈絵,石川昌紀 (2022) スポーツテクノロジーの介入による陸上長距離パフォーマンス向上がもたらす形態的特徴の変化.第35回日本トレーニング科学会大会2022年12月、東京
  3. Doi T, Otsuki S, Sato S, Ishikawa M, Fujii A, Hongu N. (2020) Effects of Mechanical Stress-Free Walking (MSFW) Workshop in the Elderly. 2020 ACSM Annual meeting and world congress. May 26-30, 2020
  4. 土井龍雄, 大槻伸吾, 佐藤真治, 石川昌紀, 藤井淳子, 本宮暢子ロコモティブシンドロームに配慮した歩き方の検討.第78回日本公衆衛生学会総会2019年10月、高知
  5. Kunimasa Y, Iwasaki M, Ishikawa M. Characteristics of lower limb tendons and their relationships with the javelin throw performance. 24th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science 3-6 July 2019 Prague, Czech.
  6. Kitano Y, Makino A, Arai A, Kunimasa Y, Sano K, Ishikawa M. Characteristics of sprint running with the horizontal resisted loads. 24th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science 3-6 July 2019 Prague, Czech
  7. Kijima K, Kishizawa H, Kataoka S, Kunimasa Y, Makino A, Ishikawa M, Ito A. Mechanics of effective propulsion movements for the wheelchair sprint start. 24th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science 3-6 July 2019 Prague, Czech.
  8. 国正陽子,佐野加奈絵,牧野晃宗,上野薫,貴嶋孝太,村上雅俊,石川昌紀.競技特異的な動作によるヒトの腱形態適応の可能性.日本体育学会第69回大会.2018年8月 徳島.
  9. Oda T, HIsano T, Akihara Y, Kusumoto K, Kodama Y, Ishikawa M. (2018) Change in mechanical properties of triceps surae muscle-tendon unit and race performance after 1 year in well trained distance runners. 36th International society of biomechanics in sports conference, Auckland, New Zealand. 10-14 Sep
  10. Kunimasa Y, Sano K, Makino A, Kamino K, Ohnuma H, Suzuki Y, Ishikawa M. (2018) Characteristics of musculoskeletal properties of the lower limb related to running economy and performance in highly-trained Japanese long-distance runners. 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, Dublin, Ireland. 8th -12th
  11. Sano K, Danno Y, Ishikawa M. (2018) Neuromuscular characteristics during dolphin-kick swimming and its functional implication of elastic utilization. 23rd annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Dublin, Ireland. 4-7th July.
  12. Kamino K, Kunimasa Y, Makino A, Sano K, Kijima K, Komi PV, Ishikawa M. (2018) Specific distribution of hamstring muscles for sprint runners and its functional implication for performance improvement. 23rd annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Dublin, Ireland. 4-7th July.
  13. 佐野加奈絵,牧野晃宗,国正陽子,上野薫,水野沙洸,後藤一成,石川昌紀.ランニング中の3軸加速度変化による下肢の振動衝撃変化.第72回日本体力医学会大会,松山大学,2017年9月16-18日.
  14. 上野薫 ,石川昌紀,佐野加奈絵,国正陽子,牧野晃宗.競技種目によるハムストリングス筋群の特徴―競泳・陸上選手に着目して―.第68回日本体育学会大会.静岡大学.2017年9月8-10日.
  15. 国正陽子,佐野加奈絵,牧野晃宗,上野薫 ,石川昌紀.陸上短距離選手と競泳選手におけるアキレス腱の形態的・力学的特性.静岡大学.第68回日本体育学会大会.静岡大学.2017年9月8-10
  16. 大野直紀,佐野加奈絵,国正陽子,牧野晃宗,石川昌紀.免荷後の再荷重時における神経‐筋腱の応答.第52回日本理学療法学術大会.幕張メッセ,東京ベイ幕張ホール.2017年5月12-14日,Supplment no.2 p.496.
  17. Oono N, Sano K, Kunimasa Y, Makino A, Nicol C, Komi PV, Ishikawa M. (2017) Neuromuscular responses to unweighting at standing. XXXI Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics. Brisbane, Australia, 23-27th July 2017.
  18. Kijima K, Ishizuka H, Okamoto D, Karasuno R, Urata T, Ishikawa M, Ito A. (2017) Functional swing-support leg strength exercises for sprint runners. 22nd Annual Congress of European College of Sport Science, Metropolitan Area, Germany, July 5-8th.
  19. 上野薫,石川昌紀,佐野加奈絵,国正陽子,牧野晃宗.陸上・競泳選手のハムストリングス筋群の特異的な太さについて.大阪体育学会第55回大会 関西大学 2017年3月12日,
  20. 梅林薫,前島悦子,森北育宏,藤井均,三島隆章,菅生貴之,岡村浩嗣,石川昌紀,足立哲司,曽根純也,渡邊有実,木村彩,浦久保和哉.大阪体育大学におけるスポーツ医・科学サポート体制について.第13回JISSスポーツ科学会議.味の素ナショナルスポーツセンター,2016, Nov 29th, pp44
  21. 牧野晃宗,上野薫,国正陽子,佐野加奈絵,貴嶋孝太,石川昌紀.統括的パフォーマンス研究・サポート拠点センターの取り組み.第13回 JISSスポーツ科学会議 2016, Nov 29th, pp44
  22. 国正陽子,佐野加奈絵,牧野晃宗,久野峻幸,小田啓之,石川昌紀.(2016) 発育・発達に伴う膝関節軟骨厚の変化.第67回日本体育学会大会.大阪体育大学.2016年8月24-26.
  23. 大野直紀,佐野加奈絵,国正陽子,牧野晃宗,石川昌紀 (2016) 荷重量変化に対する神経‐筋腱の応答.第67回日本体育学会大会.大阪体育大学.2016年8月24-26.
  24. 大野直紀,佐野加奈絵,国正陽子,久野峻幸,牧野晃宗,石川昌紀.荷重量変化に対する神経‐筋腱の応答.日本体育学会第67回大会 大阪体育大学 2016月8月25日,P76.
  25. Ishikawa M, Kunimasa Y, Sano K, Hisano T, Makino M, Oda T, Toyooka J, Nicol C and Komi PV. (2016) Musculoskeletal characteristics for East-African top distance runners. 34th International conference on Biomechanics in Sports, Tsukuba, Japan. 18th-22nd
  26. Kijima, K., Urata, T., Ohta, Y., Fukuda, K., Nakai, A., Ishikawa, M., Mero, A., Komi, P.V., Ito, A. (2016) Kinematics of sprint start for masters’ athletes. 21st annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Vienna, Austria. 6-9th July.
  27. Sano, K., Makino, A., Kunimasa,, Hiroishi, T., Ozaki, R., Miyashita, A., Sakamoto, T., Ishikawa, M. (2016) Knee hyperextension caused by the up-beat dolphin-kick movement. 21st annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Vienna, Austria. 6-9th July.
  28. 小田 啓之, 佐野 加奈絵, 国正 陽子, 石川 昌紀 (2015).アキレス腱断裂経験者のホッピング中のアキレス腱の振る舞いとその力学的特性.トレーニング科学学会大会.鹿屋体育大学. Journal of Training Science for Exercise and Sport 27(2) 87-87 2016年4月
  29. 與谷 謙吾, 中本 浩揮, 幸 篤武, 田巻 弘之, 荻田 太, 前阪 茂樹, 石川 昌紀競技経験、並びに性差における視覚-運動関連時間の検討 体力科学64(6)705-705 201512
  30. 牧野晃宗,佐野加奈絵,秋山真信,信江彩加,国正陽子,久野峻幸,石川昌紀.アキレス腱長の可塑性について.第66回日本体育学会大会 国士舘大学 2015年8月25-27日pp200.
  31. Oda T, Toyoda Y, Hisano T, Akihara Y, Kunimasa Y, Sano K, Kusumoto K, Nicol C, Komi PV, Ishikawa M (2014) Mechanical properties of triceps surae muscle-tendon unit in Kenyan and Japanese distance runners. The 1st Asia-Pacific Conference on Coaching Science, 11th-13th July 2014 Sapporo, Japan.
  32. Hisano T, Kusumoto K, Akihara Y, Iwasaki M, Edamatsu C, Ishikawa M, Oda T (2014) Morphological characteristics of lower limb in college track and field athletes. The 1st Asia-Pacific Conference on Coaching Science, 11th-13th July 2014 Sapporo, Japan.
  33. Sano K, Ishikawa M (2014) Can human utilize elastic strain energy during swimming? XX congress of the international society of electromyography and kinesiology 15th – 18th July 2014 Rome, Italy
  34. 豊田 洋平 , 久野 峻幸 , 国正 陽子 , 佐野 加奈絵 , 楠本 一樹 , 兒玉 友 , 石川 昌紀(2013) ケニア人陸上競技中長距離ランナーにおける下腿部筋腱の力学的特性.日本体育学会第64回記念大会,日本体育学会大会予稿集 (64), 214, 2013-08-28
  35. 岡西 康法 , 梅林 薫 , 石川 昌紀 (2013)7人制ラグビーのディフェンス時間に関する分析 : 勝利チームと敗戦チームに着目して. 日本体育学会第64回記念大会,日本体育学会大会予稿集 (64), 316-317, 2013-08-28
  36. 岩崎正徳,国正陽子,佐野加奈絵,久野峻幸,小田俊明,神﨑浩,村元辰寛,石川昌紀 (2013) 競技スポーツ種目の違いによる腓腹筋のstiffness特性. 第26回日本トレーニング科学会大会 山形 8th-9th
  37. Sano K, Kunimasa Y, Oda T, Akiyama M, Toyoda Y, Oda H, Nicol C, Komi PV, Locatelli E, Ito A, Ishikawa M. (2013) Neuromuscular and kinetic characteristics of kenyan distance runners during hopping. 18th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Barcelona, Spain. 26-29th Proceedings pp 821
  38. 岡西 康法 , 梅林 薫 , 石川 昌紀(2012)7人制ラグビーの得点に関するゲーム分析 : 勝利チームと敗戦チームのトライの発生するエリアに着目して.日本体育学会第63回記念大会,東海大学.日本体育学会大会予稿集 (63), 246, 2012-08-22
  39. 国正陽子,佐野加奈絵,團野亮人,信江彩加,久野峻幸,小田俊明,石川昌紀 (2012) ケニア人陸上中長距離選手のアキレス腱とアキレス腱モーメントアームの特徴.第25回日本トレーニング科学会大会,滋賀 1-2 nd
  40. 佐野加奈絵,石川昌紀 (2012) SSC運動における加齢に伴う神経・筋腱動態の変化とそのトレーニング適応.第25回日本トレーニング科学会大会,滋賀 1-2nd
  41. 久野峻幸,楠本一樹,兒玉友,豊田洋平,石川昌紀,小田俊明 (2012) 高校生長距離ランナーのパフォーマンスと下肢形態・腱形状との相関.第25回日本トレーニング科学会大会,滋賀 1-2nd
  42. 豊田洋平,兒玉友,久野峻幸,楠本一樹,石川昌紀,小田俊明 (2012) 高校生長距離ランナーにおける下腿部筋腱の力学的特性とパフォーマンスとの関係.第25回日本トレーニング科学会大会,滋賀 1-2nd Dec.
  43. Urata T, Arai A, Uematsu A, Yamada K, Akiyama M, Ishikawa M, Ito A.(2012) Rebound height-dependent modulation of lower limb joints torque in drop jump. 17th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Bruges, Belgium, 4-7th July. Proceedings pp 631.
  44. Sano K, Danno Y, Ito A, Ishikawa M (2012) Muscle-tendon interaction during the dolphin kick. XIX Congress of the International Society for Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, 19-21st July, Brisbane, Australia.
  45. Lemmettylä T, Ishikawa M, Komi PV, Sano K, Adachi T, Lindinger S, Ohtonen O, Linnamo V. (2012) Stretch-shortening cycle in cross country skiing v2 skating technique. 2nd International Congress on Science and Nordic Skiing, 28th - 31st May, Vuokatti, Finland
  46. 馬場丈幸,石川昌紀 (2011)ヒト下肢腱のスポーツ競技特性. 第66回日本体力医学会大会, 山口 16-18th, Sep. p196
  47. 團野亮人,石川昌紀 (2011) 異なるスポーツ環境の一卵性双生児におけるアキレス腱の違い. 第66回日本体力医学会大会, 山口 16-18th, Sep.
  48. Nobue A, Ito A, Ishikawa M. (2011) Relationship between nerve conduction velocity and size of ulnar nerve in humans. 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science,Liverpool, UK, 6-9th, July.
  49. Sano K, Ishikawa M, Akiyama M, Hoffrén M, Urata T, Ito A, Komi PV (2011) Age-specific neuromuscular interaction during Human running. 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Liverpool, UK, 6 - 9 July.
  50. Yamada K, Ishikawa M, Urata T, Sano K, Ito A. (2010) Effects of isometric training for flexor forearm on muscle and tendon properties. 15th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Antalya, Turkey, 23-26th, June.
  51. Fukuda K, Kijima K, Ohta Y, Nakai A, Ishikawa M, Mero A, Komi PV, Ito A. (2010) Relationships between sprint running velocity and running movements in masters sprinters. 15th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Antalya, Turkey, 23-26th, June.
  52. Kijima k, Ohta Y, Fukuda K, Nakai A, Ishikawa M, Mero A, Komi PV, Ito A. (2010) Age-specific performance factors of masters sprit start. 15th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Antalya, Turkey, 23-26th, June.
  53. Ishikawa M, Sano K, Komi PV, Vähäsöyrinki P, Linnamo V. (2010). The muscle fascicle behavior during cross-country skiing. 57th Annual meeting of the American college of sports medicine. Baltimore, Maryland, pp S478, 2-5th June.
  54. Ishikawa M, Kunimasa Y, Kijima K, Ohta Y, Fukuda K, Nakai A, Mero A, Komi PV, Ito A (2010) Movement reaction in masters sprint athletes. 13th World sport for all congress, Jyvaskyla, Finland 14-17th pp68.
  55. Ito A, Fukuda K, Nakai A, Kijima K, Ohta Y, Kunimasa K, Mero A, Komi PV, Ishikawa M. (2010) Influence of age on the sprint running movement in masters sprint runners. 13th World sport for all congress, Jyvaskyla, Finland 14-17th pp68.
  56. Ishikawa M, Komi PV (2009) Achilles tendon strain during human running. Workshop on Multi-Scale Muscle Mechanics, Massachusetts, USA, 18-21th, Sep
  57. Cronin NJ, Ishikawa M, Grey MJ, af Klint R, Komi PV, Avela J, Sinkjaer T, Voigt M. (2009) Effects of walking speed on human soleus stretch responses. XXII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Cape Town, South Africa, 5-9th, July.
  58. Kijima K, Fukuda K, Ito A, Ishikawa M. (2009) Characteristics of the support leg movement in the start and top speed phase of elite sprinters. 14th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Oslo, Norway, 24-27th, June.
  59. Galindo A, Ishikawa M, Chavet P, Barthelemy J, Nicol C, Avela A, Komi PV. (2009) Neuromuscular strategies in the case of rapid and high impact loads: impact versus task dependency ? 14th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Oslo, Norway, 24-27th, June.
  60. Rantalainen T, Heinonen A, Hoffrén M, Ishikawa M, Komi PV, Linnamo V. (2008) Increase in osteogenic potential of bilateral hopping with 3month exercise intervention. 6th International Workshop for Musculoskeletal & Neuronal Interactions. Cologne, Germany. 8-11, May.
  61. Vähäsöyrinki P, Komi PV, Ishikawa M, Salmi JA, Linnamo V (2007) Effects of skiing speed on ski forces in diagonal skiing. 4th International congress on science and skiing, Christoph, Austria, 14-20th, December, p. 183.
  62. Hoffren M, Ishikawa M, Komi PV (2007) Tendon elastic utilization in elderly during drop jumps. 12th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Jyväskylä, Finland, 11-14 July, p. 578.
  63. Chavet P, Barthèlemy J, Nicol C, Gautrand E, Ishikawa M, Avela J, Komi PV, Berton E (2007). Modulation of centrally programmed activation in (crash type) landing. 12th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Jyväskylä, Finland, 11-14 July, p. 326.
  64. Martin V, Ishikawa M, Rantalainen T, Hoffren M, Komi PV (2007) Acute adaptation of muscle-tendon unit stiffness following repeated damaging exercise bouts. 12th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Jyväskylä, Finland, 11-14 July, p. 327.
  65. Ishikawa M, Komi PV (2007). Achilles tendon and fascicle interaction during human running. 12th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Jyväskylä, Finland, 11-14 July. p. 316.
  66. Ishikawa M, Vincent M, Kanervo M, Peltonen J, Nicol C, Chavet P, Komi PV (2006) Repetitive hopping exercise alters the skeletal muscle architecture and the fascicle and tendon interaction. 11th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Lausanne, Switzerland, 5 – 8th
  67. Sousa F, Ishikawa M, Vilas-Boas JP, Komi PV (2006) Fascicle behavior of the synergistic muscle group, medial gastrocnemius and soleus, during different intensity drop jumps. 11th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Lausanne, Switzerland, 5 – 8th
  68. Hoffren M, Ishikawa M and Komi PV (2005) Measurement of muscle cross-sectional area using ultrasonography. In: 10th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science Abstract Book. Belgrade, Serbia: Sport Medicine Association of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia, p. 239, 13-16th